Thank you for sharing this it's such a difficult and vulnerable topic. There are those extra guard rails when permanently employed but it can also be a challenge when you know there are still dependencies and little wiggle room to take time out. I have been through a very challenging couple of years. This time has really shaped my outlook and I know there's some lessons in there and maybe one day I'll feel brave enough to write about them. Sending buckets of support your way for whatever you're having to navigate at this time ❤️

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Yeah I hear you re perm roles. Defo similar situations for sure. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time too. Writing and sharing really helps me so maybe it can do the same for you when the time is right ❤️

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Thank you for talking so openly about this! And if you ever need any support (or just want to have a lunch with another freelancer), please reach out! 💛

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Thank you. Really kind of you 💛

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Anyone who knows me knows how vulnerable I am. However, I have but narrow shoulders - but I stand with you (with the aid of my walking stick!) 😊

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Thanks Rachel 🤗

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Thank you for sharing Emma. This is such a vulnerable position to be in (was in a few years ago and didnt handle as well as you did so kudos to you!). But even in sharing you’ve given someone the ok to trust themselves, have a convo and do the best they can moving forwards. Sending so much love and strength as you navigate this current season of life ❤️

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Thank you Sabrina. Sorry to hear you faced a similar situation. I have definitely learned from experience on this… and still am.

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Thank you for sharing. That was courageous and, I'm sure, not easy. Wishing you all the best!

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